Inside Wireman / Journeyman Referrals 

For daily job calls, please go here:

AJW Day Book Signing

7:30 am to 8:30 am EST Monday through Friday ONLY.
If you sign outside of the 7:30 - 8:30 am EST time frame, it will be DELETED!
All members must be available by phone at the time of job calls from 8:30 am until 11:00 am EST.

 DAY BOOK SIGN HERE OR sign through our new platform Day Book Sign Here

Registration for available-to-work form


AJW 30-Day Re-sign (Monthly 1st - 25th)

 RE-SIGN  OR sign through our new platform RE-SIGN

To view the Local 26 Referral Rules, go HERE.
If you have any questions please call or email:
E-Mail for Journeyman (AJW):

Phone: (301) 459-2900

This website was built, hosted and produced by IBEW members - WebConnectivity LLC